Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Quinta do Infantado Colheita 2001

Quinta do Infantado Colheita 2001

I am never failed to be impressed by the generosity of the Portuguese people. Before we tried this port we were invited to stay for lunch with the workers. It is a tradition in the quintas for the workers to be provided with their midday meal and we were honoured to be asked to eat with them.

This port had a deep brown colour with a just a touch of redness. The nose consisted of both plummy fruits and burnt sugars. It was full bodied and fruity with a combination of fresh grape and dried fruit flavours. The smooth plumminess of the fruit mingled with dried fruit and nutty oak elements. It was explained that this combination of vintage and tawny characterstics had been obtained by deliberately bottling the wine young and allowing further development to take place in the cellar. In this case the judgement had been a good one as the two elements worked harmoniously together.

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