Friday 5 October 2007

Pastelaria Reserve Tawny

Pastelaria Reserve Tawny

When we asked for a second tawny at the pastelaria it must have looked like we meant
business. This one was fetched from the cupboard under the window and came in a plastic 1 gallon wine bottle. It had a deep brown colour and was less turdbid than the ordinary one. It was smooth, rich and warming combining butterscotch and oak. In my ignorance I tried to find out where it was made but all I learned that the proprieter was called Gloria. The next day I tried again during the day when the place was busier; after a prolonged debate in Portuguese I was proudly informed that it was, "port wine"! Henceforth we have fondly referred to this offering as Gloria and remember a jolly evening spent sharing a bottle of it in the Avenido dos Aliados  with some American friends we met along the way.

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