Saturday 25 November 2017

Quevedo Colheita 1996 bottled in 2016

Quevedo Colheita 1996 bottled in 2016

The last Quevedo Colheita from 1996 that I tasted was bottled in 2013. This offering was very different in character which just goes to show what an interesting subject colheita ports make. The colour of this one was quite red but with a brownish tinge whilst the nose was surprisingly plummy. Rather than the dried fruits and oak that one might expect the predominant taste was of rich cooked plums tempered by a complex oakiness. I had this on taste alongside a single quinta 1997 vintage at a show; it was surprising how similar the fruit flavours in this colheita were to those in the vintage. Altogether this made for an intriguing and enjoyable port.

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